省下印刷、包裝及運輸成本,意味著可節省大 量時間與金錢。
我們符合全球安全標準ISO 27001和歐盟eIDAS法規的AES(進階電子簽名)規定。


歐盟《電子身分認證與信賴服務規章》(eIDAS) 主張,所有電子簽名都可作為法律訴訟的證據。SelfieSign影音簽名符合該法規中的AES(進階電子簽名)的規定。
ISO 27001:2022國際標準
SelfieSign影音簽名已取得ISO 27001:2022資訊安全標準的驗證。它是一個國際資訊安全標準,旨在於向客戶保證我們遵守現今最嚴格的安全標準。
歐盟有世界上最嚴格的數據保護規定。SelfieSign致力於保護隱私,我們遵守《電子簽章法》(GDPR )的條例,以保護歐洲用戶的權利與自由。


數位發展部 電子簽章能量登錄
雲想科技 SelfieSign為首波數位發展部審核通過合格之電子簽章服務機構。審核涵蓋 1. 服務執行與管理能力 2. 人力配置與素質 3. 服務實績 4. 財務健全,雲想科技 SelfieSign 皆具公信力認證。
SelfieSign另外提供人臉辨識與Face OTP技術,及本地伺務器服務及軟體開發套件,讓您有更多選擇
Face OTP
Face One-Time Password (Face OTP) 專利技術以影音記錄簡訊密碼的輸入過程,有效杜絕駭客盜用密碼進行交易。
On Premise
SelfieSign可客製化 系統整合,將系統建置於內部或指定的伺服器,協助您數位轉型,提升經營績效、工作效率。
您可將SelfieSign SDK模組中的SelfieSign元件嵌入您的應用程式和系統中,即可升級您的簽署系統,立即實現無紙化。
What is an electronic signature?Electronic signature is a way to sign documents online. It has the same legal standing as a handwritten signature as long as it adheres to e-signature regulations such as eIDAS in the European Union. It also has specific details including who signed and when, therefore fully traceable.
What is unique about SelfieSign e-signature?What sets SelfieSign apart from everyone else is how we provide an extra layer of security and trust for signatures. We video record the signing process of every signature, guaranteeing it is signed by the person intended and it is court-admissible backed by video evidence.
Is SelfieSign legally binding?Yes, documents signed using SelfieSign are considered legally binding in the world. In fact, your documents are even more enforceable in a court of law than handwritten documents. We provide not only a comprehensive audit trail of each signature, but also a video record of the signing process as evidence.
How do I send an electronic document?Sending an electronic document is easy as 1-2-3. Step 1: Click on “Add Documents” Step 2: Drag & drop the file you want to send Step 3: Add recipients and fields Follow these quick steps in how do I send a SelfieSign document.
How do I sign a document with SelfieSign?You can sign a document anytime, anywhere using SelfieSign. Simply open the document, and tap the signature field to sign your name. Note that we will video record your signing process in case of fraud or dispute. Learn how to sign your own document and sign a document sent to you.
What is an electronic signature?Electronic signature is a way to sign documents online. It has the same legal standing as a handwritten signature as long as it adheres to e-signature regulations such as eIDAS in the European Union. It also has specific details including who signed and when, therefore fully traceable.
What is unique about SelfieSign e-signature?What sets SelfieSign apart from everyone else is how we provide an extra layer of security and trust for signatures. We video record the signing process of every signature, guaranteeing it is signed by the person intended and it is court-admissible backed by video evidence.
Is SelfieSign legally binding?Yes, documents signed using SelfieSign are considered legally binding in the world. In fact, your documents are even more enforceable in a court of law than handwritten documents. We provide not only a comprehensive audit trail of each signature, but also a video record of the signing process as evidence.
How do I send an electronic document?Sending an electronic document is easy as 1-2-3. Step 1: Click on “Add Documents” Step 2: Drag & drop the file you want to send Step 3: Add recipients and fields Follow these quick steps in how do I send a SelfieSign document.
How do I sign a document with SelfieSign?You can sign a document anytime, anywhere using SelfieSign. Simply open the document, and tap the signature field to sign your name. Note that we will video record your signing process in case of fraud or dispute. Learn how to sign your own document and sign a document sent to you.