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2023年10月2日読了時間: 6分
Choosing an E-signature Solution: 8 Factors to Keep in Mind
8 Factors to keep in mind when choosing an e-signature solution: 1. Authentic and original signatures 2. Tamper-proof 3. Transparent audit

2023年8月23日読了時間: 6分
How Can E-Signatures Drive Cost-Savings for Your Business?
Find out how e-signatures can drive cost-savings for your business and learn what makes SelfieSign one of the most cost-effective e-signatur

2023年8月23日読了時間: 6分
Rx for Modernization: How the Indian Healthcare Industry Can Embrace Paperless Care
Learn how the Indian healthcare industry can embrace paperless care with SelfieSign's e-signature solution.

2023年8月23日読了時間: 5分
Breaking Free from Paper Shackles: How E-Signatures are Reshaping Financial Services
Discover how e-signatures are reshaping the financial services sector and dive into the benefits of adopting e-signature solutions like Self

Charles Wu
2023年7月26日読了時間: 6分
Taiwan’s Electronic Signature Act Set for Overhaul to Embrace Digital Era: A Comprehensive Overview
Legislator Cythnia Wu hosted a forum at the Legislative Yuan on 7/11, convening stakeholders from various industries to discuss the...

Charles Wu
2023年6月5日読了時間: 4分
長庚、國泰醫院加入,SelfieSign 成醫界第一選擇
雲想正式宣布,長庚醫院體系將把 SelfieSign 推廣到全體體系各分院使用;國泰醫院體系亦宣布將加入 SelfieSign 合作夥伴行列,使目前國內採用 SelfieSign 的醫學中心,所占床數已超過全臺總床數的一半,真正成為臺灣醫界「醫療同意書電子化」最佳選擇。

Charles Wu
2023年5月29日読了時間: 3分
The Evolution of Signed Sports Memorabilia: From Baseball cards to SelfieSign Autograph NFT
With the advent of blockchain technology, a new chapter has unfolded in the world of sports collectibles: the rise of Autograph NFTs....

Charles Wu
2023年3月6日読了時間: 5分
修訂陳舊 20 年《電子簽章法》,確立數位未來新藍圖
普羅大眾可能以為臺灣沒有電子簽章相關法律,因此相關產品無法在臺灣普及化。但其實臺灣《電子簽章法》早在 2001 年 11 月 14 日就三讀通過,並於隔年正式施行,已經施行超過 20 年。

Charles Wu
2023年2月23日読了時間: 3分
SelfieSign Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry with No-Code Technology
The digitalization of business operations has been on the rise for a while now, driven by the need for increased efficiency, lower costs, an

Charles Wu
2023年1月4日読了時間: 6分
A Look Back on ThinkCloud Technology's Milestones in 2022, With the Ambition To Aim Higher in 2023
As the pandemic has gradually ended, it is also time for ThinkCloud Technology to bid farewell to 2022 which has been challenging. The year
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