Autograph NFT White paper
A project by ThinkCloud Technology's flagship product, SelfieSign
Terms and Conditions
The SelfieSign Autograph NFT Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) is a legal agreement that
governs the access and use of SelfieSign Autograph NFT websites and services
("Services”) provided by its company ThinkCloud ("Company", "we", "us" or "our") to the
person signing using SelfieSign Autograph NFT an individual, or a single legal entity
("Celebrities/ Influencers/Signatory", "you" or "your").
By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our Privacy Policy
which explains how we collect and use your information.
1.1 Your autograph will be retained as a digital asset in the form of SVS.T (Selfie Video
Signature) format file.
1.2 The autograph will be minted and transmitted to the OpenSea market. For the pricing
detail of the sales, we will get in contact with your contact person once you have agreed
on giving us your autograph. As the early bird members of the community, the full profit
generated from your SelfieSign Autograph NFT will be fully yours.
2.1 The entire sales profit generated by your SelfieSign Autograph NFT will be paid to
your account in the form of cryptocurrency. The corporation will not declare or pay your
taxes. Please adhere to your country's or region's tax laws.
2.2 Once the NFT is sold, we will contact you or your contact person for the further
process of cryptocurrency transfer.
3.1 Please be sure about the rights and interests of your autograph with your agency/ any
entity you are bound with.
3.2 Once you have agreed on signing with SelfieSign Autograph NFT, both you and your
agency/any entity you are bound with shall be considered as one party that agrees.
SelfieSign will not intervene in any internal conflict of interest and hence cannot be held
4.1 If you have any inquiries about the terms, contact us at